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→ technology

Ingentium is a next generation provider of knowledgebases and knowledge graphs that can be focused on specific disease areas and health topics. We use a novel big data cyberinfrastructure technology, leveraging machine learning and semantic analysis, to aggregate and refine the latest news and information into focused, disease-specific knowledge bases. We use natural language processing (NLP) and semantic predication to build contextualized knowledge graphs using learned content. (Click here to learn more about knowledge graphs.) Our knowledge bases are also used to deliver media to patients, physicians, and the medical research community in our Health Magazines, a component of the Ingentium Health Network, which updates daily.

Ingentium Technology White Paper

We are developing a technology white paper that explains the core technologies and implementation details that we use within the Ingentium Knowledge Platform. We expect to have this available in early 2020.

Click for more information and to register to receive the white paper